Up and running
It has finally arrived, my personal web site :)
I always wanted to make one but could never find the time to do so. I started working on designs early 2006 but couldn’t come up with a design I liked, UNI started and I had to stop. In December 2006 I was looking at other personal web sites and once again I was inspired. The site you see here is the end result, its Strict HTML 4.1 compliant and contains no CSS errors :)
I got my own domain and web space, something I did not have in the past. If I’m going to have a proper web site that will be kept up to date with regular updates, it’s only fair that I have those two services as well :)
At the moment the news section is static, it doesn’t use any kind of CMS but I plan on changing that in near future.
Tags: Development, Website